Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sweet Treat Hutch!

I got this idea from a customer. I have seen it done a couple times since and loved the idea! I had to find just the right hutch and was super excited when this came available. I loved the sweet attachment the older gentlemen (that was having a hard time parting with it) had. When I told him what I was doing he smiled and said "Oh thanks for that. That is something I approve of!" He was so very sweet and this was exactly what I had been looking for. I felt I should give him a little hug before I left. I love old Grandpas! (I refrained LOL) Anyway, the candy cost about 3 times more than the hutch lol.... Hubster and I have always had candy lying around since we were dating and this seemed perfect! Don't mind the lovely lot of weeds and dirt next to us.... would love for someone to buy that. Makes for a great backdrop :-) 


  1. I love this piece and all of your work. It is all so inspiring for work for my own home. Thanks for keeping up your blog!!
